The Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau board of directors announced it is endorsing Proposition D, a statewide initiative on the ballot Nov. 6.
If approved, Proposition D would incrementally increase Missouri’s fuel tax over the next four years to 10 cents per gallon, generating about $123 million annually for local governments for roads and $288 million for the State Road Fund and law enforcement. In Greene County, Springfield would receive about $2.5 million, other cities would receive about $500,000 combined with another $1.9 million distributed to the county.
The CVB board voted to endorse the measure because of the direct link between road improvements and tourism.
In addition to improving safety, our roads, bridges and airports are important to residents and visitors. Visitors notice the difference in road conditions as soon as they cross state lines and our roads don't give a good first impression.
The CVB is a nonprofit marketing agency dedicated to growing the local economy through growth in travel and tourism.