More than 100 group events booked by the Convention & Visitors Bureau canceled in 2020 because of the pandemic, a loss of at least $44 million to the city's economy, a staggering number that doesn't take into account group business that was booked directly with venues without using CVB services.
The good news is business is picking up in Springfield.
More than 40 groups are on the CVB's calendar for June through the end of the year and more are expected as the pandemic wanes, vaccination rates increase and fear of gathering in groups subsides. People attending those events are expected to spend nearly $13 million while they're in the city.
Events on the list generating the most room nights at area hotels are:
- June 23-27 - Premier Baseball Incoming Freshman Championship with 2,400 attendees and 1,500 room nights
- June 29-July 3 - Goldwing Road Riders Associations Wing Ding 42 with 5,000 attendees and 4,071 room nights
- July 12-17 - National CERT Conference with 600 attendees and 1,055 room nights
- July 26-29 - Missouri Association for Career and Technical Education with 1,200 attendees and 1,461 room nights
- Sept. 15-19 - 40 & 8; La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux with 400 attendees and 1,485 room nights
- Sept. 30-Oct. 2 - USA BMX Gold Cup Championship with 2,000 attendees and 1,375 room nights
- Dec. 9-10 - National Beta Club with 1,500 attendees and 1,806 room nights
Click "Download Document" below to see more details about these and other groups coming to Springfield this year.