Want to find out who is getting awards from the CVB this year? How about the date for the Salute to Legislators? C'mon, we know you love the stats, too! You'll find all that and more in this month's issue of Issues & Info, a newsletter brought to you each month by the Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau.
- Tickets on Sale for Awards Banquet
- Save the Date for the Salute to Legislators
- HRA Department Hosts Wine Tasting and Silent Auction
- CVB Extends Springfield Hospitality to Homeless Shelter
- Facts & Stats About Springfield Hotels Through October 2013
- Facts & Stats About Springfield Visitors Through November 2013
- Businesses Reach Tourists Via CVB
- Sales Department Continues Bringing Groups to City
- Organic Association Offers Education, Entertainment, Networking
The CVB is a nonprofit marketing agency dedicated to boosting the local economy through growth in the travel and tourism industry. We invite you to visit our website or give us a call at 417-881-5300 or 800-678-8767 to learn more.