Thank you to everyone who sent letters and made calls in an effort to get the Senate Appropriations Committee to restore the $3.2 million they cut from the Missouri Division of Tourism’s budget.
Unfortunately, our efforts to get the committee members to change their minds were unsuccessful. The committee cut the budget to $10 million.
The issue will now go to a Senate/House Conference Committee to work out the differences in the House and Senate versions of the budget within the next couple weeks.
That committee will consist of Sen. Kurt Schaefer from Columbia , Rep. Ryan Silvey from Clay County and others who will be appointed soon.
Once that committee is appointed, we will again send information to our constituents and ask for your help in keeping the Missouri Division of Tourism budget.
Again, thank you for your help. We hope we can count on you again before this issue is finalized.
For background on this issue, Click Here and Click Here.