Rt66 Map_Cover.jpgFinding points of interest on Route 66 is easier now thanks to a new map produced by the CVB.

From Devil’s Elbow southwest to the Missouri-Kansas state line, more than 30 locations are highlighted on the map, including the Devil’s Elbow Bridge, Mr C.s Route Post in Lebanon, Joe’s Route 66 Diner in Strafford, Gary’s Gay Parita east of Halltown and many others, including several in Springfield.

The CVB printed 25,000 copies of the map and will distribute them at Missouri Welcome Centers and other points of interest along Route 66, including the CVB’s Route 66 Springfield Visitor Center, 815 E. St. Louis St. in Springfield.

The cost of the map was covered through advertising sales.

For information about this and other CVB advertising opportunities, including the 2015 Visitors Guide and CVB website, contact Jane Rips at 417-881-5300, ext. 105, or jrips@springfieldmo.org.