Grants are available for organizations seeking funds to start observances of the bicentennial of Missouri’s statehood in 2021. The State Historical Society of Missouri announced it will offer funding in 2018 to Missouri cultural heritage institutions in support of efforts to preserve historic material and provide programming on local history topics, including bicentennial projects.

SHSMO will award up to $500 per calendar year, per organization, through Brownlee Grants, named in memory of Dr. Richard S. Brownlee, the society’s executive director from 1960 to 1985. A maximum of $5,000 in total grants will be awarded in January, and the grant period will run through the end of 2018.

SHSMO is accepting applications through December 15 for projects in one of three focus areas: historical records preservation, educational or programming activities, and observances of the bicentennial of Missouri’s statehood in 2021. Grants are available to Missouri cultural heritage institutions, and preference will be given to local historical societies. Click here to apply.