Save the Date!

The individuals and businesses that will receive the 2012 Travel & Tourism Awards presented by the Convention & Visitors Bureau have been selected.

The Pinnacle Award recipient remains a secret until the banquet on Feb. 16 at the White River Banquet Room at the new White River Conference Center on the campus of Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World. The Pinnacle Award is for individuals who have been active in the travel industry for many years and have made substantial contributions to the betterment of the Springfield area’s travel industry.

Other awards that will be presented are:

O’Reilly Hospitality will receive the Hospitality Award presented to an attraction, lodging facility or restaurant which demonstrates outstanding hospitality to the traveling public and exhibits a team spirit in promoting growth of Springfield area travel and tourism.

The Missouri Division of Tourism will receive the Diplomat Award presented to a government official, organization or employee who has provided significant support to the Springfield area travel industry.

“417 Magazine” will receive the Spotlight Award presented to an individual, business or organization not usually considered part of the travel and tourism industry for noteworthy contributions in advancing travel and tourism in the Springfield area.

And the Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield Foundation will receive the Ambassador Award presented to individuals or organizations who generated significant economic impact for the area by working to encourage tourism or secure a major convention or event in Springfield.

Individual tickets and tables of 8 are available now! Call 881-5300, Ext. 0, or visit to make your reservations for this great event!

Hotel Booking Tool Added to Website

The CVB has implemented a new hotel booking system on its website.

The JackRabbit BookDirect widget allows website users to check availability at hotels listed on the site, see where the hotels are on a map, compare prices and amenities and book their rooms without leaving the site.

Along with making it easier for visitors to book their lodging, the widget also increases chances they will continue exploring the site’s other sections.

2012 Visitors Guide Available

The 2012 Visitors Guide is now available.

The bureau publishes 150,000 Visitor Guides distributed at the bureau’s three tourist information centers, at conventions and events and by mail to people who have requested information about the city. Nearly 300 area businesses advertise in the guide, which includes a listing on the CVB’s website and mobile application.

For information about ways to promote your business to visitors with the CVB’s marketing tools and programs, contact Jane Rips or Dustin Burke at 417-881-5300.

The CVB in Action

  • CVB sales director Dana Maugans will attend the Professional Convention Management Association Annual Meeting in January in San Diego.
  • Maugans also will represent Springfield in February at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference at Lake of the Ozarks.
  • Sales manager Melissa Evans will represent Springfield at the Religious Conference Management Association in Kansas City in January.
  • The CVB provided convention services in October to 18 groups totaling more than 3,940 delegates and 960 room nights

Board Action in December

The CVB Board of Directors in December:

  • Presented a plaque to John Wilson, who is leaving the board, and welcomed new board member Brian Fogle. Randall Blackwood, Kevin Mackey and Tim O’Reilly were reappointed to a second term.
  • Heard a report on and discussed the Wonders of Wildlife announcement that it will no longer accept funds from the city’s lodging tax.
  • Heard a status report on the economic impact study being conducted to finalize the Convention Competitive Assessment. The study is nearly completed and results will be released soon.

January Meetings

  • Attractions Council, Jan. 11, 11:30 a.m., CVB offices
  • Springfield Hotel Lodging Association, 11:30 a.m. Jan. 18, location TBA
  • CVB Board of Directors, 8 a.m. Jan. 19, CVB offices
  • Sports Commission Board of Directors, 11:30 a.m. Jan. 25, Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce

Groups Booked Recently by the CVB:

  • Missouri Republican Party, June 2012, 395 room nights
  • Premier Baseball, July 2012, 2,250 room nights
  • Missouri Youth Soccer Association State Cup, June 2012, 4,750 room nights

Welcome Groups with Your Marquee!

  • Missouri Smallflow Organization, 16th Annual MSO Conference and Exhibition co-sponsored by the Missouri Association of Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Contractors, Jan. 16, 250 attendees
  • Missouri Dairy Forum, Annual Convention 2012, Jan. 26-28, 200 attendees
  • Sports Car Club of America, 2012 Midwest Division, Feb. 3-5, 200 attendees
  • Missouri Canoe and Floaters Association, 2012 Annual Meeting, March 5-8, 150 attendees
  • National Christian Homeschool Basketball Championships, March 18-25, 10,000 attendees
  • Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives, 2012 Line Superintendent & Foreman Conference, March 20-23, 150 attendees
  • International Order of Job's Daughters, 2012 Mini Session, March 23-25, 200 attendees

Springfield Travel Statistics

Nov. 2011 YTD 2011 YTD 2010
Information Centers Visits 2,374 31,470 41,194
Tourist Inquiries 1,601 58,756 76,926
Website Unique Visitors 41,578 418,054 *See Below
Total Contacts 45,553 508,280 *See Below
Airline Passengers 60,719 672,798 737,465

*The CVB is using a new analytics program to track website traffic. Because of differences in how the new program works compared to the old program, statistical comparisons with previous years are not possible.

Springfield Hotel Statistics

Oct. 2011 YTD 2011 YTD 2010
Room Supply 186,527 1,849,311 1,848,511
Room Demand 104,876 999,419 953,858
Percent of Occupancy 56.2% 54.0% 51.6%
Average Daily Rate $68.57 $68.22 $66.10
Revenue Per Available Room $38.55 $36.87 $34.11
Room Sales $7,191,512 $68,182,098 $63,052,307