Save the date and register today for the Missouri Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus Annual Conference featuring three days of stimulating speakers, practical educational programs, innovative industry sessions about the latest trends and research information.
The conference is June 5-7 at the Doubletree Hotel.
Click here for the conference agenda
Prices are affordable to accommodate any budget.
- $130 for first member attendee and $90 for each additional member
- $185 for non-members
- Again this year, CVBs are encouraged to invite board members by extending a special price of $95.
Guest speakers include Jerry Henry from H2R Market Research; Dave Serino from Gammet Interactive; Speaker ProTem Shane Schoeller and Springfield Chamber leader Jim Anderson.
Register your staff and board today at
Communicate with attendees before and during the convention on Twitter with the hashtag #macvb11 or on Facebook at