The Missouri Travel Council is seeking prizes for its annual Silent Auction and Internet Auction that begins during the Missouri Governor’s Conference on Tourism Oct. 4-6.

The council’s auction sales are second to membership dues in providing the funding for programs and services.

Annually, Missouri's travel and tourism industry partners join forces and donate items that will be sold to raise the needed funding to help support the organization.  Items donated vary in value and in scope, but all are welcomed and truly appreciated.

The 2016 Tourism Auction will include a Silent Auction during the Missouri Governor’s Conference on Tourism at Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center in Independence and an Internet Auction for larger items from Oct 7-31.

Donors of auction items receive acknowledgment in the printed auction program, in the council’s newsletter and on its website.

To donate, click here and fill out the donation form. Information on donations received by Sept. 23 will be included in the auction booklet distributed to all who participate in the Silent Auction at the Governor's Conference on Tourism.  Items received after that date or during the conference are welcomed and appreciated, but due to the printer's time constraints cannot be included in the printed listing.

Please keep in mind the following guidelines for your donations:

  • Baskets MUST have a list of included items attached to the outside of the basket.
  • Gift certificates SHOULD NOT expire prior to October 1, 2017.
  • The Auction Committee reserves the right to group smaller items.
  • The Auction Committee also reserves the right to place a donated item in either auction, whichever is deemed most appropriate.
  • Items with a value of $500+ will automatically be placed in the Internet Auction.
  • Any exclusions/stipulations for redemption must be clearly outlined on the donation form.