Where to find locally made goods
in the Ozarks
If you're looking to bring a little bit of the Ozarks home with you, here is a directory of where you can find some of these locally made goods in the area.
Reborn Candle Co.
Where to buy it locally:
Farmers Market of the Ozarks
5 Pound Apparel
The Dress Bridal
Blue Skies Salon
Grass Roots Garden Center
Grove Spa
Hard Hat Gear
The Healthy Trend
A Hip Joint
Online at Rebornco.net
and more here.
Askinose Chocolate
Where to buy it locally:
Askinosie Chocolate
Mama Jean's Natural Market
Brown Derby International Wine Center
Harter House
Online at Askinosie.com
and more here.
Leong's Cashew Chicken Sauce
Where to buy it locally:
Leong's Asian Diner
Online at LeongsAsianFood.com
Five Pound Apparel
Where to buy it locally:
Five Pound Apparel
Online at 5poundapparel.com
Ozark Mountain Popcorn
Where to buy it locally:
Ozark Mountain Popcorn
The Crafter’s Den
The Bluebird Mercantile
and others
Float Trip Pickles
Where to buy it locally:
Price Cutter
Horrman Meat Company
Brown Derby International Wine Center
Online at floattrippickles.com
and others here.
Date Lady Syrup
Where to buy it locally:
Mama Jeans Natural Market
Harter House
Price Cutter
Brown Derby International Wine Center
Online at ilovedatelady.com
and others here.
Hammons Black Walnuts
Where to buy it locally:
Hammons Black Walnut Emporium
Online at black-walnuts.com
and others here.
Papa Johnny's Ozarks Barbeque Sauce
Where to buy it locally:
Mama Jean's Natural Market
Wood's Supermarket
Harter House
Vital Farms Eggs
Where to buy it locally:
Mama Jean's Natural Market
Natural Grocers
Harter House
Price Cutter
and others here.