Following Governor Jay Nixon's state-of-the-state address on Jan. 28, his recommendations for the FY14 budget were released. Among them was $19,085,073 in funding for the Missouri Division of Tourism, an increase of $6 million over the current fiscal year.
The Convention & Visitors Bureau extends its gratitude to the governor for his support of the state's tourism industry and is encouraging local state representatives and senators to keep the increase in place as the budget makes it way through the legislative process.
Increasing the amount the state spends on tourism promotion will increase tax revenues to support other programs, create jobs and help the state’s overall economy. Visitors spend more than $10 billion annually and generate more than $430 million in sales tax in Missouri and more than 279,000 jobs in the state are tourism-related. Those numbers will increase as the state invests in promoting Missouri as a travel destination.
To our local constituents who have contacted their legislators in recent months to educate them about the importance of tourism to the state's economic well-being, the CVB staff says thank you! And, once again, we encourage you to send a thank you to Governor Nixon and to continue encouraging legislators to support funding for tourism promotion in Missouri.