The Springfield-Greene County Park Board reopens indoor aquatics at Chesterfield and Doling Family Centers Saturday, May 23, following nine weeks of closure due to COVID-19 prevention.

Indoor pools will follow a modified schedule, based on current availability of certified lifeguards on staff. Family centers are also following a modified schedule. Starting Saturday, May 23, the schedule at both Chesterfield and Doling indoor aquatics is:

Saturday, 8 a.m.-noon: Adults only swim. Noon-3:30 p.m.: All ages open swim.

Sunday, noon-2:30 p.m.: All ages open swim.

Monday-Friday, 7:15-11 a.m.: Adults only swim. 1-5 p.m.: All ages open swim.

The indoor pool schedule will expand as additional lifeguards are certified and hired, and as staffing allows family center facility hours to expand.  

Capacity will be limited at both indoor pools, according to city orders. No shared pool equipment is provided, like kickboards, noodles and weights. Swimmers may bring their own equipment, but may not share equipment with others. Swim lessons, water aerobics, swim team and other aquatics programs, as well as the whirlpool spa, are not currently available.

Admission to indoor pools is free to members of Chesterfield and Doling Family Centers. For non-members, family center day passes are $8/adults, $6/youth and seniors. The day pass fee applies to adults only swim hours. However, during all ages open swim hours, admission is $4/adults, $3/youth and seniors.

Normally by mid-May, the Park Board has trained, certified and hired more than 100 lifeguards to work indoor and outdoor pools for the summer season. Due to several weeks of facility closures and a city-wide hiring freeze caused by COVID-19, lifeguard certification and hiring has been interrupted, and staff availability is currently limited.

Swimmers are advised to keep a minimum six-foot distance from others in the pool and on the deck, make sure they wash their hands before and after visiting, avoid touching their faces, cover any coughs or sneezes, and please stay home if they are feeling any symptoms of illness.

Without enough lifeguards, Park Board’s outdoor pools are not able to open as normally scheduled for Memorial Day weekend. Outdoor pools will remain closed through the end of June, with the goal of opening at least one pool by early July.

For more information, visit or contact Chesterfield Family Center at 417-891-1616 or Doling Family Center at 417-837-5900.

For more information on COVID-19 prevention in Parks, visit