Dear CVB Constituents,
Once again, thank you for your help in contacting legislators about the Missouri Division of Tourism budget. All the calls, emails and letters from their constituents helped educate them about the importance of tourism and what it means to the state’s economy and led them to keep fund the division at $13 million for the upcoming fiscal year.
Now we need to ask you to do one more thing. Please contact the legislators listed below who played a key role in getting the division’s budget funded at that level and tell them thank you! They were facing tough budget decisions and without their support, funding for tourism promotion in Missouri would have been lost.
Below is a sample thank you letter to help you in drafting those thank you notes.
Sincerely, Tracy Kimberlin
Sample Note:
Dear Legislator,
Thank you for your help in getting the Missouri Division of Tourism funding restored to $13 million. It is reassuring to know you understand the value of tourism to the well-being of the state’s economy and that you’re willing to support the industry in the state legislature. Thanks to your decision, Missouri tourism industry will continue growing over the next year and bring additional money into the state as we recovery from the economic recession.
Rep. Ryan Silvey – Kansas City (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 306 Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Lincoln Hough – Springfield (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 236A Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Sarah Lampe – Springfield (D) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 101B Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Terry Swinger – Caruthersville (D) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 130DC Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Rick Stream – Kirkwood (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 401A Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Don Ruzicka – Mount Vernon (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 404A Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Don Phillips – Kimberling City (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 135 Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Denny Hoskins – Warrensburg (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 403A Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Anne Zerr – St. Charles (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 300 Jefferson City, MO 65101
Rep. Tom Flanigan – Carthage (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 412C Jefferson City, MO 65101
Speaker Steve Tilley – Perryville (R) MO House of Representatives 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 308A Jefferson City, MO 65101
Senate Appropriations Chair Kurt Schaefer – Columbia (R) Capitol Office 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 420 Jefferson City, MO 65101
Sen. Jack Goodman – Mount Vernon (R) Capitol Office 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 331A Jefferson City, MO 65101
Sen. Ryan McKenna – Crystal City (D) Capitol Office 201 West Capitol Ave., Room 427 Jefferson City, MO 65101