The Springfield Hotel Lodging Association has collected $1,000 in donations during its monthly luncheons this year and the board agreed to match what was collected up to $500 to purchase new shoes for underprivileged Springfield Public School children.
The group estimates it can provide 100 children with warm and comfortable shoes this winter.
But... wouldn't it be nice if they could provide more children with shoes?
That's where you can help! SHLA is asking allied owners, hotel owners and/or general managers to help with this important cause. By matching collected funds or making a contribution, the group will be able to work with the Springfield Public Schools to ensure that kids in need have a pair of new shoes this winter. The goal is 400 pairs of shoes!!! Your help with this is very much appreciated and needed.
Please respond by October 29, 2012. A press release recognizing 10K, half-marathon, and marathon contributors will be sent out Nov. 1. The group will then schedule a time and date to give the shoes to the Springfield Public Schools and invite the press to attend as well.
The sign-up form is available on the SHLA website at: