This Event Alert is provided by the Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau to encourage the community to welcome large groups to the area. We also encourage the use of special promotions, banners and a welcome on your marquee.

Jehovah’s Witnesses Summer Regional Convention

  • Date: June 28-July 1
  • Attendees: 3,000
  • Room Nights: 1,100
  • Headquarter Hotel: Multiple
  • Event Location: Springfield Expo Center
  • Estimated spending according to the Destinations International Event Impact Calculator: $417,000

CVB partners who want to see more groups coming to the city can access a convention calendar on Connect SGF. Once logged in, click “reports,” then select the calendar you want to view. If you need help logging in, contact Tonia Castaneda at or call 417-881-5300, ext. 121.