Several groups will have events in Springfield in the coming weeks, including conventions, conferences and sports.
Some of those events are BIG! The largest – those generating 1,000 room nights or more at area hotels – are highlighted in bold below. Mark your calendars! If you work at an attraction, hotel, restaurant or retailer in the Springfield area, you’re likely to be busy.
The list below represents groups booked by the Convention & Visitors Bureau as well as groups booked directly through hotels and event venues. It does not represent every group coming to the city. The statistics represent anticipated attendees and room nights and are subject to change. Groups that generate less than 100 room nights are not listed.
Learn more about how to get a group to the city by calling the CVB’s Sales Department at 417-881-5300 or 800-678-8767.
- Nov. 2-3 - Tri-State Kennel Club, 1,000 attendees, 580 room nights
- Nov. 6-8 - Missouri School Public Relations Association, 115 attendees, 120 room nights
- Nov. 8-9 - Association of Child Life Professionals, 250 attendees, 100 room nights
- Nov. 8-10 - Jehovah's Witnesses Fall Circuit Meeting, 1,500 attendees, 150 room nights
- Dec. 4 - National Beta Club Missouri Junior Beta Convention, 3,300 attendees, 825 room nights
- Dec. 5-7 - National Beta Club Missouri Senior Beta Convention, 3,000 attendees, 1,800 room nights
- Dec. 11-13 - Missouri Common Ground Alliance, 2,000 attendees, 2,205 room nights